Tax credits in Burtonsville/Briggs Chaney could encourage redevelopment, jobs

Photo of vacant lot and dilapidated grocery store.

6/28/2017 Update: The Maryland Department of Commerce approved the Burtonsville/Briggs Chaney EZ application! This spring, Montgomery County will submit an application to the Maryland Department of Commerce (MDOC) to establish an “Enterprise Zone” (EZ) in […]

New grocery store coming to Briggs Chaney

Photo of front door with Global Food poster.

Briggs Chaney Marketplace lost its anchor grocery store eight months ago, to the surprise and dismay of the local community. Some feared that the loss would result in a “food desert” for the area, given […]

BRT will reduce congestion and commute times on US 29

Photo of BRT station in Arlington

East County has long suffered from a lack of reliable and convenient transit options. But the County plans to fix this in the next three years by providing a transit system along US 29. The County anticipates […]

Resident suggests intersection improvement; County responds

Aerial image of intersection overlaid with sketch of proposed turn lanes.

It’s now a little easier to exit the Briggs Chaney Plaza shopping center at Castle Boulevard since the County added a turn lane at a nearby intersection. As many locals can attest, it can get […]