“East County will soon be the fastest-growing region in Montgomery County”. Standing at the edge of a nearly-vacant 300-acre site, Jewru Bandeh excitedly notes that within the next few years, there will be a massive […]
Celebrating and advocating for MoCo's fastest-growing region
“East County will soon be the fastest-growing region in Montgomery County”. Standing at the edge of a nearly-vacant 300-acre site, Jewru Bandeh excitedly notes that within the next few years, there will be a massive […]
It’s now a little easier to exit the Briggs Chaney Plaza shopping center at Castle Boulevard since the County added a turn lane at a nearby intersection. As many locals can attest, it can get […]
After a long wait, the County broke ground at the Good Hope Neighborhood Recreation Center on December 10, 2016. I was particularly excited to attend the event because the Rec Center is less than a mile from my house […]
After nearly a decade of uphill battles and false starts, community leaders finally convinced our elected officials to revitalize the Maydale Nature Center, which had been closed since 2008. The new center, located in the Colesville/Cloverly area, […]